
Reigns:Kings&QueensbringstogetherdynastiesofReignsandReigns:HerMajestyinoneregalpresentationfortheNintendoSwitch.,評分5.0(2)簡介.王权系列作品,不仅包含囊括多项大奖的指尖滑动游戏王权(Reigns),以及最新发售的作品,王权:女王陛下(Reigns:HerMajesty).拥有至高无上的王权,玩家将扮演国王或王后 ...,資料;供應商:DevolverDigital,Inc.;大小:270.4MB;類別:遊戲;兼容性.須使用iOS9.0或以上版本。兼容iPhone、...

Reigns: Kings & Queens - 巴哈姆特

Reigns: Kings & Queens brings together dynasties of Reigns and Reigns: Her Majesty in one regal presentation for the Nintendo Switch.

在App Store 上的「Reigns

評分 5.0 (2) 簡介. 王权系列作品,不仅包含囊括多项大奖的指尖滑动游戏王权(Reigns),以及最新发售的作品,王权:女王陛下(Reigns: Her Majesty). 拥有至高无上的王权,玩家将扮演国王或王后 ...

App Store 上的《Reigns

資料 ; 供應商: Devolver Digital, Inc. ; 大小: 270.4 MB ; 類別: 遊戲 ; 兼容性. 須使用iOS 9.0 或以上版本。兼容iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。 ; 語言. 英文.

Reigns: Her Majesty

Set in a fictional renaissance world, it places the player in the role of a monarch who rules the queendom by accepting or rejecting suggestions from advisors. Gameplay · Reception · Accolades

Reigns: Kings & Queens Reviews

評分 77% (5) Reigns is a game full of interesting design choices that intermingle narrative and gameplay to create something you'll be thinking about for weeks on end.


供應中 Reigns: Kings & Queens includes both award-winning games Reigns and Reign: Her Majesty. Sit on the throne as a benevolent (or malevolent) monarch of the ...


供應中 This bundle includes the complete set of Reigns games: Reigns: Kings & Queens, Reigns: Game of Thrones, Reigns: Three Kingdoms, and Reigns: Beyond.

Reigns: Kings & Queens Review (Switch eShop)

評分 7/10 (13) · While its short-burst gameplay is perfectly suited to phones, Reigns: Kings & Queens arguably works just as well lying on the sofa with a single ...

Reigns: Kings & Queens - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch

Reigns: Kings & Queens includes both award-winning games Reigns and Reign: Her Majesty. Sit on the throne as a benevolent (or malevolent) ...

Reigns: Kings & Queens - Available on Nintendo Switch

... reigns-kings-and-queens-switch Reigns: Kings & Queens includes both award-winning games Reigns and Reign: Her Majesty. Sit on the throne as ...